Friday, April 11, 2008

A guitar

A guitar

A guitar sits in front of me
Maple with a rosewood finish that shine up the body
The neck spotted with fretsit is a maker of music
Of passion
Its image can be clean or distorted
Looked down upon by others
Many overlook the power it has
To turn emotions into music
And music
To memories


Parkerinodude said...

This poem is kinda obvious what you are gonna talk about
Maybe all of those emotions Happiness shame etc should be on only two linesd. I dont think the lines "its image can be clean or distorted" and "looked down upon by others" make little sense to me maybe change it up to something that even people who dont play the quitar can understand. Other than those mysterious lines it is good and when you give us a lot of details it adds to it. From Cheese

Jack Sullivan said...

that shine up the body? i dont get what your trying to say rely.

Maybe say

The neck spotted with frets
It is a maker of music

Goo job!!

Parkerinodude said...

oh and you spelled frets and it are siamese twins